Pineapple Everything, Azores

 August 2019

On an island as hot and humid as Sao Miguel, it’s little wonder that pineapples thrive.  As interesting as it was to see how pineapples grow (I’d never really considered it before, and the baby ones are very sweet), my main motivation for visiting the Aruda plantation was to sample the wide range of edible and drinkable creations, made from their very own crop. 

I kept things simple with a carafe of sweet yet refreshing pineapple juice, and a huge chunk of moist, sticky pineapple cake – both delicious and fresh without a hint of artificial flavouring.

The Arruda pineapple plantation is in the suburbs of Ponta Delgada.  It’s possible to walk inside the greenhouses to see pineapples at all stages of maturity, and there is a shop selling their home made pineapple liquor and pineapple jam amongst the touristy souvenirs.


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