Valrhona Chocolate Tart. London, UK
March 2020
Miel Bakery. Changing French delights throughout the day. How to choose?! I've done it for you! Get the almost bite sized 70% Valrhona chocolate tart with salted peanuts. So incredibly smooth, so chocolatey, so deliciously rich, but not at all sickly. The snap of perfectly crisp cocoa pastry, the crunch of peanuts, and the teeniest accent of salt. This is proper chocolate at its best.
Find it at Miel Bakery on Warren Street.
Miel Bakery. Changing French delights throughout the day. How to choose?! I've done it for you! Get the almost bite sized 70% Valrhona chocolate tart with salted peanuts. So incredibly smooth, so chocolatey, so deliciously rich, but not at all sickly. The snap of perfectly crisp cocoa pastry, the crunch of peanuts, and the teeniest accent of salt. This is proper chocolate at its best.
Find it at Miel Bakery on Warren Street.
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